We Are Here For You In Appleton 920-659-5606

We Are Here For You In Appleton 920-659-5606

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News For You: We’re Now Serving Green Bay

On Behalf of | Aug 18, 2020 | Firm News |

We at Helbing Law Offices are pleased to announce the opening of our new office in Green Bay, Wisconsin. Our team is excited to begin serving clients in the Green Bay area, helping them recover from their financial issues and begin with a fresh start.

Why Work With A Local Attorney?

Many of the bankruptcy attorneys in Wisconsin are located in cities that are inconvenient for Green Bay residents, hours away. At Helbing Law Offices we understand the importance of working with an attorney who is local and readily available. Why go farther than you need to and why work with a faraway attorney who doesn’t understand what you’ve gone through?

How Can We Help?

Attorney Helbing lives in Green Bay and raised his family there. He understands the issues specific to this area and is well equipped to help its residents sort through their debt and financial issues.

No longer is bankruptcy a scarlet letter stamp of failure. Attorney Helbing knows that bankruptcy can be a fresh start for families that have fallen on unavoidable hard times. He understands how unexpected financial issues can take people by surprise and throw them into situations out of their control. He will help you through these tumultuous times and make sure you get started getting back on your feet.

Each bankruptcy case is unique, and no two people’s experiences are alike, so the team at Helbing Law Offices is committed to providing personalized, tailored service and solutions to each of our clients individually. Bankruptcy can be a lifeline. Let us help you sort out your debt issues, locally, in Green Bay.