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Bankruptcy can provide relief from medical bills

On Behalf of | Sep 21, 2018 | Chapter 7 Bankruptcy, Firm News |

While there isn’t an official chapter of bankruptcy that addresses only medical bills, people who are overwhelmed by these expenses might consider filing a personal bankruptcy. A Chapter 13 or Chapter 7 filing can provide you with the financial relief that you need.

One important thing to remember is that you can’t file bankruptcy only for your medical bills. Instead, you will include all of your debts in the filing. This is troubling for some people because they want to keep up with all their bills.

Here’s an interesting tidbit for you: It is possible for you to pay debts off even if they have been discharged. You won’t have to do this, but if you want to pay your debts but just don’t have the means now and need to seek relief, it might help you to know that you have this option down the road.

There isn’t anything that you should feel bad about if you are going through a rough time financially. Medical bills can lead to money problems, especially if you are scrimping on other bills to try to make payments on those.

Another concern that people have is that they might lose their doctor if they seek bankruptcy. This is possible; however, you might be able to talk to the doctor to let them know what is going on. Some doctors are willing to continue to see patients who file for bankruptcy because they understand that things happen sometimes.

When you are ready to file, you will have to determine which chapter is the one that fits your situation. Once you get the case filed, you are well on your way toward a fresh start for your finances.