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We stand by those facing financial challenges

On Behalf of | Oct 21, 2015 | Chapter 13 Bankruptcy, Firm News |

Those Wisconsinites who are facing financial struggles should know that they are not alone. There are millions of individuals in our country who struggle to make ends meet, and they all hope for some sort of relief. Fortunately, there is good news. Those facing overwhelming financial challenges may be able to acquire more manageable payments and shed debt by filing for bankruptcy.

There are many types of bankruptcy. As was discussed on the blog two weeks ago, hapter 13 bankruptcy may be a viable option if you are looking to retain your assets and would simply like to reorganize your debts. Doing so may allow you handle your payments and get rid of some debt after a certain period of satisfactory payment. As nice as that may sound, those who choose to file for bankruptcy are sure to face legal challenges. This is why securing the assistance of an experienced bankruptcy attorney can be so critical.

The Helbing Law Office is wholly dedicated to those facing financial uncertainty. We work with our clients to ensure that they know which types of bankruptcies are available to them. Additionally, we walk through the process with our clients so that they understand the advantages and disadvantages of each type of bankruptcy and what they need to do to satisfy legal requirements.

Though bankruptcy can have its own difficulties, those who complete the process are able to find a fresh financial start, making the journey well worth it. Also, by having a competent attorney by your side, you can go to court with your head held high knowing that you truly are not alone in facing your troubles.